Short philosophical essays.
Leaving a Good Impression
It’s a pattern easily found in nature, in rippled water and sliced tree trunks.
Inside Looking Out
If it felt anything, it might have been longing for the other side, the same longing I’ve felt at different points in my life.
Feeling Blue
It was like seeing a parade or glitch in the matrix. I reflexively shot each one using a slow shutter speed until the rush ended with a white semi-truck, sporting only a streak of blue.
The Leaves Are Always Changing
I visited Springville marsh boardwalk recently, pausing along the way to photograph dried leaves that still clung to their branches like ghosts haunting their houses.
Playful Panning
When I first saw photographer’s do this to create “abstract” photos, I was a little put-off by it and didn’t fully understand why until I tried it myself.
Take the Exit
I swiftly merged onto the highway like a blood cell exiting a vein for an artery.
Death of a Doe
I envisioned her walking to the familiar riverbank, at the end of her life, at the end of a season.
Life Is Like a Bucket
I nudged it with my foot and could feel the weight of its innards shift around inside.
Caught in a Web of Consumption
The consumption habits of these larvae are comparable to our own.
Seeing the Light
Through the lens of my camera, the exit sign morphed into a single flaming red dot.
Good Timing
Had it not been preserved and presented to the viewer as a single static image, the moment might have been overlooked.